API compatibility report for the postgresql library between 42.2.3 and 42.2.14 versions


Test Info

Library Namepostgresql
Version #142.2.3
Version #242.2.14
SubjectBinary Compatibility

Test Results

Total Java Modules1
Total Methods / Classes2467 / 234
Compatibility 93.6%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-181
Removed MethodsHigh34
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Methods  181 

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, AbstractCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T> ( BaseConnection connection )
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.withTemporaryOption ( )  :  T

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BaseConnection.class
package org.postgresql.core
BaseConnection.hintReadOnly ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BaseDataSource.class
package org.postgresql.ds.common
BaseDataSource.getCleanupSavepoints ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getHideUnprivilegedObjects ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getLogServerErrorDetail ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getMaxResultBuffer ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getOptions ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getPortNumbers ( )  :  int[ ]
BaseDataSource.getReadOnlyMode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getRecvBufferSize ( )  :  int
BaseDataSource.getServerNames ( )  :  String[ ]
BaseDataSource.getSslcert ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslfactoryarg ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslhostnameverifier ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslkey ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslmode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslpassword ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslpasswordcallback ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslrootcert ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.isAllowEncodingChanges ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isCleanupSavePoints ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isDisableColumnSanitiser ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isLoadBalanceHosts ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isLogUnclosedConnections ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isReadOnly ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isReWriteBatchedInserts ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isSsl ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isTcpKeepAlive ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.setCleanupSavePoints ( boolean cleanupSavepoints )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setCleanupSavepoints ( boolean cleanupSavepoints )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( String callMode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setHideUnprivilegedObjects ( boolean hideUnprivileged )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setLogServerErrorDetail ( boolean enabled )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setMaxResultBuffer ( String maxResultBuffer )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setOptions ( String options )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setPortNumbers ( int[ ] portNumbers )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setReadOnlyMode ( String mode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setRecvBufferSize ( int nbytes )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setServerNames ( String[ ] serverNames )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslcert ( String file )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslfactoryarg ( String arg )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslhostnameverifier ( String className )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslkey ( String file )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslmode ( String mode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslpassword ( String sslpassword )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslpasswordcallback ( String className )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslrootcert ( String file )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BatchResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
BatchResultHandler.getLargeUpdateCount ( )  :  long[ ]
BatchResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.ByteBufferByteStreamWriter ( ByteBuffer buf )
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.getLength ( )  :  int
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.writeTo ( ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget target )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteConverter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteConverter.bytesToInt ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  int
ByteConverter.numeric ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  Number
ByteConverter.numeric ( byte[ ] bytes, int pos, int numBytes ) [static]  :  Number

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteStreamTarget.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget.getOutputStream ( ) [abstract]  :  OutputStream

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteStreamWriter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteStreamWriter.getLength ( ) [abstract]  :  int
ByteStreamWriter.writeTo ( ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>.make ( ) [abstract]  :  ReplicationSlotInfo
ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>.withTemporaryOption ( ) [abstract]  :  T

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ConsoleCallbackHandler.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LibPQFactory.ConsoleCallbackHandler.handle ( Callback[ ] callbacks )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyDualImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
CopyDualImpl.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyIn.class
package org.postgresql.copy
CopyIn.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyInImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
CopyInImpl.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyManager.class
package org.postgresql.copy
CopyManager.copyIn ( String sql, ByteStreamWriter from )  :  long

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CursorResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.CursorResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, DefaultJavaSSLFactory.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
DefaultJavaSSLFactory.DefaultJavaSSLFactory ( Properties info )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Encoding.class
package org.postgresql.core
Encoding.Encoding ( Charset encoding )
Encoding.Encoding ( Charset encoding, boolean fastASCIINumbers )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, EscapeSyntaxCallMode.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.of ( String mode ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.value ( )  :  String
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.values ( ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode[ ]

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, FixedLengthOutputStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
FixedLengthOutputStream.FixedLengthOutputStream ( int size, OutputStream target )
FixedLengthOutputStream.remaining ( )  :  int
FixedLengthOutputStream.write ( byte[ ] buf, int offset, int len )  :  void
FixedLengthOutputStream.write ( int b )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LazyKeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LazyKeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String alias )  :  PrivateKey
LazyKeyManager.getServerAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.LazyKeyManager ( String certfile, String keyfile, CallbackHandler cbh, boolean defaultfile )
LazyKeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LibPQFactory.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LibPQFactory.LibPQFactory ( Properties info )
LibPQFactory.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.logical
LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  ReplicationSlotInfo

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LogSequenceNumber.class
package org.postgresql.replication
LogSequenceNumber.compareTo ( LogSequenceNumber o )  :  int
LogSequenceNumber.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, MakeGSS.class
package org.postgresql.gss
MakeGSS.authenticate ( PGStream pgStream, String host, String user, String password, String jaasApplicationName, String kerberosServerName, boolean useSpnego, boolean jaasLogin, boolean logServerErrorDetail ) [static]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ParameterList.class
package org.postgresql.core
ParameterList.setBytea ( int p1, ByteStreamWriter p2 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Parser.class
package org.postgresql.core
Parser.modifyJdbcCall ( String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion, EscapeSyntaxCallMode escapeSyntaxCallMode ) [static]  :  JdbcCallParseInfo

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgConnection.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgConnection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects ( )  :  boolean
PgConnection.getParameterStatus ( String parameterName )  :  String
PgConnection.getParameterStatuses ( )  :  Map<String,String>
PgConnection.hintReadOnly ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGConnection.class
package org.postgresql
PGConnection.cancelQuery ( ) [abstract]  :  void
PGConnection.getParameterStatus ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  String
PGConnection.getParameterStatuses ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,String>

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGCopyOutputStream.class
package org.postgresql.copy
PGCopyOutputStream.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGInterval.class
package org.postgresql.util
PGInterval.getMicroSeconds ( )  :  int
PGInterval.getWholeSeconds ( )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.PGjdbcHostnameVerifier ( )
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.verify ( String hostname, SSLSession session )  :  boolean
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.verifyHostName ( String hostname, String pattern )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGProperty.class
package org.postgresql
PGProperty.getDescription ( )  :  String
PGProperty.isDeprecated ( )  :  boolean
PGProperty.isRequired ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.class
package org.postgresql.util
PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.parseProperty ( String value ) [static]  :  long
PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser ( )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgResultSet.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.closeInternally ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgStatement.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.checkNoResultUpdate ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
PGStream.clearResultBufferCount ( )  :  void
PGStream.isClosed ( )  :  boolean
PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  Tuple
PGStream.send ( ByteStreamWriter writer )  :  void
PGStream.setMaxResultBuffer ( String value )  :  void
PGStream.setMinStreamAvailableCheckDelay ( int delay )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.physical
PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  ReplicationSlotInfo

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PKCS12KeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
PKCS12KeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] strings, Principal[ ] principals, Socket socket )  :  String
PKCS12KeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String s, Principal[ ] principals, Socket socket )  :  String
PKCS12KeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] principals )  :  String[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String s )  :  PrivateKey
PKCS12KeyManager.getServerAliases ( String s, Principal[ ] principals )  :  String[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.PKCS12KeyManager ( String pkcsFile, CallbackHandler cbh )
PKCS12KeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PSQLException.class
package org.postgresql.util
PSQLException.PSQLException ( ServerErrorMessage serverError, boolean detail )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutor.class
package org.postgresql.core
QueryExecutor.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( ) [abstract]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
QueryExecutor.getParameterStatus ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  String
QueryExecutor.getParameterStatuses ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,String>

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutorBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
QueryExecutorBase.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( )  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
QueryExecutorBase.getParameterStatus ( String parameterName )  :  String
QueryExecutorBase.getParameterStatuses ( )  :  Map<String,String>
QueryExecutorBase.onParameterStatus ( String parameterName, String parameterStatus )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutorImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
QueryExecutorImpl.writeToCopy ( CopyOperationImpl op, ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ReplicationSlotInfo.class
package org.postgresql.replication
ReplicationSlotInfo.getConsistentPoint ( )  :  LogSequenceNumber
ReplicationSlotInfo.getOutputPlugin ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.getReplicationType ( )  :  ReplicationType
ReplicationSlotInfo.getSlotName ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.getSnapshotName ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.ReplicationSlotInfo ( String slotName, ReplicationType replicationType, LogSequenceNumber consistentPoint, String snapshotName, String outputPlugin )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String p1, long p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandlerBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerBase.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandlerDelegate.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerDelegate.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  long
ResultWrapper.ResultWrapper ( long updateCount, long insertOID )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ScramAuthenticator.class
package org.postgresql.jre7.sasl
ScramAuthenticator.processServerFirstMessage ( int length )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.processServerMechanismsAndInit ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.ScramAuthenticator ( String user, String password, PGStream pgStream )
ScramAuthenticator.sendScramClientFirstMessage ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.verifyServerSignature ( int length )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  Tuple

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SingleCertTrustManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager.SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager ( InputStream in )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SocketFactoryFactory.class
package org.postgresql.core
SocketFactoryFactory.getSslSocketFactory ( Properties info ) [static]  :  SSLSocketFactory

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SslMode.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
SslMode.of ( Properties info ) [static]  :  SslMode
SslMode.requireEncryption ( )  :  boolean
SslMode.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  SslMode
SslMode.values ( ) [static]  :  SslMode[ ]
SslMode.verifyCertificate ( )  :  boolean
SslMode.verifyPeerName ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, StatementResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.StatementResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, TimestampUtils.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TimestampUtils.TimestampUtils ( boolean usesDouble, Provider<TimeZone> timeZoneProvider )
TimestampUtils.toLocalDateTimeBin ( byte[ ] bytes )  :  LocalDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTime ( String s )  :  OffsetDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTime ( Time t )  :  OffsetDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTimeBin ( byte[ ] bytes )  :  OffsetDateTime

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Tuple.class
package org.postgresql.core
Tuple.fieldCount ( )  :  int
Tuple.get ( int index )  :  byte[ ]
Tuple.length ( )  :  int
Tuple.readOnlyCopy ( )  :  Tuple
Tuple.set ( int index, byte[ ] fieldData )  :  void
Tuple.Tuple ( byte[ ][ ] data )
Tuple.Tuple ( int length )
Tuple.updateableCopy ( )  :  Tuple

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, TypeInfoCache.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TypeInfoCache.cacheSQLTypes ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, VisibleBufferedInputStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
VisibleBufferedInputStream.ensureBytes ( int n, boolean block )  :  boolean
VisibleBufferedInputStream.setTimeoutRequested ( boolean timeoutRequested )  :  void

to the top

Removed Methods  34 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, AbstractCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T> ( )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, BatchResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
BatchResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>.make ( ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, CursorResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.CursorResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, Encoding.class
package org.postgresql.core
Encoding.Encoding ( String encoding )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, LazyKeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
LazyKeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String alias )  :  PrivateKey
LazyKeyManager.getServerAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.LazyKeyManager ( String certfile, String keyfile, CallbackHandler cbh, boolean defaultfile )
LazyKeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.logical
LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, MakeGSS.class
package org.postgresql.gss
MakeGSS.authenticate ( PGStream pgStream, String host, String user, String password, String jaasApplicationName, String kerberosServerName, boolean useSpnego, boolean jaasLogin ) [static]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, Parser.class
package org.postgresql.core
Parser.modifyJdbcCall ( String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion ) [static]  :  JdbcCallParseInfo

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PgStatement.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.executeLargeUpdate ( )  :  long
PgStatement.getNoResultUpdateCount ( )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  byte[ ][ ]

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.physical
PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String p1, int p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandlerBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerBase.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandlerDelegate.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerDelegate.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  int
ResultWrapper.ResultWrapper ( int updateCount, long insertOID )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ScramAuthenticator.class
package org.postgresql.jre8.sasl
ScramAuthenticator.processServerFirstMessage ( int length )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.processServerMechanismsAndInit ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.ScramAuthenticator ( String user, String password, PGStream pgStream )
ScramAuthenticator.sendScramClientFirstMessage ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.verifyServerSignature ( int length )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SingleCertTrustManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager.SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager ( SingleCertValidatingFactory in, InputStream p2 )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, StatementResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.StatementResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, TimestampUtils.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TimestampUtils.toLocalDateTimeBin ( TimeZone tz, byte[ ] bytes )  :  LocalDateTime

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  6 

package org.postgresql.core
[+] interface ResultHandler  1 

package org.postgresql.hostchooser
[+] class HostStatus  1 

package org.postgresql.jre8.sasl
[+] class ScramAuthenticator  1 

package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
[+] interface ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>  1 

package org.postgresql.ssl
[+] class WrappedFactory  1 

package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
[+] class LazyKeyManager  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity  6 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
[+] ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>.make ( ) [abstract]  :  void  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.logical
[+] LogicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  void  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
[+] PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  byte[ ][ ]  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent.physical
[+] PhysicalCreateSlotBuilder.make ( )  :  void  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
[+] ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  int  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
[+] SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  4 

package org.postgresql.core
[+] interface BaseConnection  1 
[+] interface QueryExecutor  1 
[+] interface ResultHandler  1 

package org.postgresql.util
[+] class HostSpec  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  2 

package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
[+] class LibPQFactory  2 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  33 

package org.postgresql
[+] class PGProperty  7 
[+] interface PGConnection  3 

package org.postgresql.copy
[+] interface CopyIn  1 

package org.postgresql.core
[+] class QueryExecutorBase  1 
[+] class ServerVersion  2 
[+] interface ParameterList  1 
[+] interface QueryExecutor  4 

package org.postgresql.hostchooser
[+] class HostRequirement  1 

package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
[+] class AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>  2 
[+] interface ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>  2 

package org.postgresql.util
[+] class PSQLState  9 

to the top

Java Archives  1 


to the top

Test Info

Library Namepostgresql
Version #142.2.3
Version #242.2.14
SubjectSource Compatibility

Test Results

Total Java Modules1
Total Methods / Classes2467 / 234
Compatibility 87.9%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-178
Removed MethodsHigh31
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Methods  178 

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, AbstractCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T> ( BaseConnection connection )
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.withTemporaryOption ( )  :  T

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BaseConnection.class
package org.postgresql.core
BaseConnection.hintReadOnly ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BaseDataSource.class
package org.postgresql.ds.common
BaseDataSource.getCleanupSavepoints ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getHideUnprivilegedObjects ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getLogServerErrorDetail ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.getMaxResultBuffer ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getOptions ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getPortNumbers ( )  :  int[ ]
BaseDataSource.getReadOnlyMode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getRecvBufferSize ( )  :  int
BaseDataSource.getServerNames ( )  :  String[ ]
BaseDataSource.getSslcert ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslfactoryarg ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslhostnameverifier ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslkey ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslmode ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslpassword ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslpasswordcallback ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.getSslrootcert ( )  :  String
BaseDataSource.isAllowEncodingChanges ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isCleanupSavePoints ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isDisableColumnSanitiser ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isLoadBalanceHosts ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isLogUnclosedConnections ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isReadOnly ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isReWriteBatchedInserts ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isSsl ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.isTcpKeepAlive ( )  :  boolean
BaseDataSource.setCleanupSavePoints ( boolean cleanupSavepoints )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setCleanupSavepoints ( boolean cleanupSavepoints )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( String callMode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setHideUnprivilegedObjects ( boolean hideUnprivileged )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setLogServerErrorDetail ( boolean enabled )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setMaxResultBuffer ( String maxResultBuffer )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setOptions ( String options )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setPortNumbers ( int[ ] portNumbers )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setReadOnlyMode ( String mode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setRecvBufferSize ( int nbytes )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setServerNames ( String[ ] serverNames )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslcert ( String file )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslfactoryarg ( String arg )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslhostnameverifier ( String className )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslkey ( String file )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslmode ( String mode )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslpassword ( String sslpassword )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslpasswordcallback ( String className )  :  void
BaseDataSource.setSslrootcert ( String file )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, BatchResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
BatchResultHandler.getLargeUpdateCount ( )  :  long[ ]
BatchResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.ByteBufferByteStreamWriter ( ByteBuffer buf )
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.getLength ( )  :  int
ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.writeTo ( ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget target )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteConverter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteConverter.bytesToInt ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  int
ByteConverter.numeric ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  Number
ByteConverter.numeric ( byte[ ] bytes, int pos, int numBytes ) [static]  :  Number

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteStreamTarget.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget.getOutputStream ( ) [abstract]  :  OutputStream

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ByteStreamWriter.class
package org.postgresql.util
ByteStreamWriter.getLength ( ) [abstract]  :  int
ByteStreamWriter.writeTo ( ByteStreamWriter.ByteStreamTarget p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>.withTemporaryOption ( ) [abstract]  :  T

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ConsoleCallbackHandler.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LibPQFactory.ConsoleCallbackHandler.handle ( Callback[ ] callbacks )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyDualImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
CopyDualImpl.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyIn.class
package org.postgresql.copy
CopyIn.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyInImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
CopyInImpl.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CopyManager.class
package org.postgresql.copy
CopyManager.copyIn ( String sql, ByteStreamWriter from )  :  long

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, CursorResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.CursorResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, DefaultJavaSSLFactory.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
DefaultJavaSSLFactory.DefaultJavaSSLFactory ( Properties info )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Encoding.class
package org.postgresql.core
Encoding.Encoding ( Charset encoding )
Encoding.Encoding ( Charset encoding, boolean fastASCIINumbers )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, EscapeSyntaxCallMode.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.of ( String mode ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.value ( )  :  String
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
EscapeSyntaxCallMode.values ( ) [static]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode[ ]

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, FixedLengthOutputStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
FixedLengthOutputStream.FixedLengthOutputStream ( int size, OutputStream target )
FixedLengthOutputStream.remaining ( )  :  int
FixedLengthOutputStream.write ( byte[ ] buf, int offset, int len )  :  void
FixedLengthOutputStream.write ( int b )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LazyKeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LazyKeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String alias )  :  PrivateKey
LazyKeyManager.getServerAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.LazyKeyManager ( String certfile, String keyfile, CallbackHandler cbh, boolean defaultfile )
LazyKeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LibPQFactory.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
LibPQFactory.LibPQFactory ( Properties info )
LibPQFactory.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, LogSequenceNumber.class
package org.postgresql.replication
LogSequenceNumber.compareTo ( LogSequenceNumber o )  :  int
LogSequenceNumber.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, MakeGSS.class
package org.postgresql.gss
MakeGSS.authenticate ( PGStream pgStream, String host, String user, String password, String jaasApplicationName, String kerberosServerName, boolean useSpnego, boolean jaasLogin, boolean logServerErrorDetail ) [static]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ParameterList.class
package org.postgresql.core
ParameterList.setBytea ( int p1, ByteStreamWriter p2 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Parser.class
package org.postgresql.core
Parser.modifyJdbcCall ( String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion, EscapeSyntaxCallMode escapeSyntaxCallMode ) [static]  :  JdbcCallParseInfo

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGConnection.class
package org.postgresql
PGConnection.cancelQuery ( ) [abstract]  :  void
PGConnection.getParameterStatus ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  String
PGConnection.getParameterStatuses ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,String>

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgConnection.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgConnection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects ( )  :  boolean
PgConnection.getParameterStatus ( String parameterName )  :  String
PgConnection.getParameterStatuses ( )  :  Map<String,String>
PgConnection.hintReadOnly ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGCopyOutputStream.class
package org.postgresql.copy
PGCopyOutputStream.writeToCopy ( ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGInterval.class
package org.postgresql.util
PGInterval.getMicroSeconds ( )  :  int
PGInterval.getWholeSeconds ( )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.PGjdbcHostnameVerifier ( )
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.verify ( String hostname, SSLSession session )  :  boolean
PGjdbcHostnameVerifier.verifyHostName ( String hostname, String pattern )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGProperty.class
package org.postgresql
PGProperty.getDescription ( )  :  String
PGProperty.isDeprecated ( )  :  boolean
PGProperty.isRequired ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.class
package org.postgresql.util
PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.parseProperty ( String value ) [static]  :  long
PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser.PGPropertyMaxResultBufferParser ( )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgResultSet.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.closeInternally ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PgStatement.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.checkNoResultUpdate ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
PGStream.clearResultBufferCount ( )  :  void
PGStream.isClosed ( )  :  boolean
PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  Tuple
PGStream.send ( ByteStreamWriter writer )  :  void
PGStream.setMaxResultBuffer ( String value )  :  void
PGStream.setMinStreamAvailableCheckDelay ( int delay )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PKCS12KeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
PKCS12KeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] strings, Principal[ ] principals, Socket socket )  :  String
PKCS12KeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String s, Principal[ ] principals, Socket socket )  :  String
PKCS12KeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] principals )  :  String[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String s )  :  PrivateKey
PKCS12KeyManager.getServerAliases ( String s, Principal[ ] principals )  :  String[ ]
PKCS12KeyManager.PKCS12KeyManager ( String pkcsFile, CallbackHandler cbh )
PKCS12KeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, PSQLException.class
package org.postgresql.util
PSQLException.PSQLException ( ServerErrorMessage serverError, boolean detail )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutor.class
package org.postgresql.core
QueryExecutor.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( ) [abstract]  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
QueryExecutor.getParameterStatus ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  String
QueryExecutor.getParameterStatuses ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,String>

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutorBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
QueryExecutorBase.getEscapeSyntaxCallMode ( )  :  EscapeSyntaxCallMode
QueryExecutorBase.getParameterStatus ( String parameterName )  :  String
QueryExecutorBase.getParameterStatuses ( )  :  Map<String,String>
QueryExecutorBase.onParameterStatus ( String parameterName, String parameterStatus )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, QueryExecutorImpl.class
package org.postgresql.core.v3
QueryExecutorImpl.writeToCopy ( CopyOperationImpl op, ByteStreamWriter from )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ReplicationSlotInfo.class
package org.postgresql.replication
ReplicationSlotInfo.getConsistentPoint ( )  :  LogSequenceNumber
ReplicationSlotInfo.getOutputPlugin ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.getReplicationType ( )  :  ReplicationType
ReplicationSlotInfo.getSlotName ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.getSnapshotName ( )  :  String
ReplicationSlotInfo.ReplicationSlotInfo ( String slotName, ReplicationType replicationType, LogSequenceNumber consistentPoint, String snapshotName, String outputPlugin )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String p1, long p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandlerBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerBase.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultHandlerDelegate.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerDelegate.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  long
ResultWrapper.ResultWrapper ( long updateCount, long insertOID )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, ScramAuthenticator.class
package org.postgresql.jre7.sasl
ScramAuthenticator.processServerFirstMessage ( int length )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.processServerMechanismsAndInit ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.ScramAuthenticator ( String user, String password, PGStream pgStream )
ScramAuthenticator.sendScramClientFirstMessage ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.verifyServerSignature ( int length )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  Tuple

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SingleCertTrustManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager.SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager ( InputStream in )

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SocketFactoryFactory.class
package org.postgresql.core
SocketFactoryFactory.getSslSocketFactory ( Properties info ) [static]  :  SSLSocketFactory

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, SslMode.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
SslMode.of ( Properties info ) [static]  :  SslMode
SslMode.requireEncryption ( )  :  boolean
SslMode.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  SslMode
SslMode.values ( ) [static]  :  SslMode[ ]
SslMode.verifyCertificate ( )  :  boolean
SslMode.verifyPeerName ( )  :  boolean

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, StatementResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.StatementResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, long updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, TimestampUtils.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TimestampUtils.TimestampUtils ( boolean usesDouble, Provider<TimeZone> timeZoneProvider )
TimestampUtils.toLocalDateTimeBin ( byte[ ] bytes )  :  LocalDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTime ( String s )  :  OffsetDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTime ( Time t )  :  OffsetDateTime
TimestampUtils.toOffsetDateTimeBin ( byte[ ] bytes )  :  OffsetDateTime

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, Tuple.class
package org.postgresql.core
Tuple.fieldCount ( )  :  int
Tuple.get ( int index )  :  byte[ ]
Tuple.length ( )  :  int
Tuple.readOnlyCopy ( )  :  Tuple
Tuple.set ( int index, byte[ ] fieldData )  :  void
Tuple.Tuple ( byte[ ][ ] data )
Tuple.Tuple ( int length )
Tuple.updateableCopy ( )  :  Tuple

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, TypeInfoCache.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TypeInfoCache.cacheSQLTypes ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.14.jar, VisibleBufferedInputStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
VisibleBufferedInputStream.ensureBytes ( int n, boolean block )  :  boolean
VisibleBufferedInputStream.setTimeoutRequested ( boolean timeoutRequested )  :  void

to the top

Removed Methods  31 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, AbstractCreateSlotBuilder.class
package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>.AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T> ( )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, BatchResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
BatchResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, CursorResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgResultSet.CursorResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, Encoding.class
package org.postgresql.core
Encoding.Encoding ( String encoding )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, LazyKeyManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
LazyKeyManager.chooseClientAlias ( String[ ] keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.chooseServerAlias ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers, Socket socket )  :  String
LazyKeyManager.getCertificateChain ( String alias )  :  X509Certificate[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getClientAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.getPrivateKey ( String alias )  :  PrivateKey
LazyKeyManager.getServerAliases ( String keyType, Principal[ ] issuers )  :  String[ ]
LazyKeyManager.LazyKeyManager ( String certfile, String keyfile, CallbackHandler cbh, boolean defaultfile )
LazyKeyManager.throwKeyManagerException ( )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, MakeGSS.class
package org.postgresql.gss
MakeGSS.authenticate ( PGStream pgStream, String host, String user, String password, String jaasApplicationName, String kerberosServerName, boolean useSpnego, boolean jaasLogin ) [static]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, Parser.class
package org.postgresql.core
Parser.modifyJdbcCall ( String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion ) [static]  :  JdbcCallParseInfo

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PgStatement.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.executeLargeUpdate ( )  :  long
PgStatement.getNoResultUpdateCount ( )  :  int

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  byte[ ][ ]

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String p1, int p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandlerBase.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerBase.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultHandlerDelegate.class
package org.postgresql.core
ResultHandlerDelegate.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  int
ResultWrapper.ResultWrapper ( int updateCount, long insertOID )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ScramAuthenticator.class
package org.postgresql.jre8.sasl
ScramAuthenticator.processServerFirstMessage ( int length )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.processServerMechanismsAndInit ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.ScramAuthenticator ( String user, String password, PGStream pgStream )
ScramAuthenticator.sendScramClientFirstMessage ( )  :  void
ScramAuthenticator.verifyServerSignature ( int length )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SingleCertTrustManager.class
package org.postgresql.ssl
SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager.SingleCertValidatingFactory.SingleCertTrustManager ( SingleCertValidatingFactory in, InputStream p2 )

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, StatementResultHandler.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
PgStatement.StatementResultHandler.handleCommandStatus ( String status, int updateCount, long insertOID )  :  void

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, TimestampUtils.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
TimestampUtils.toLocalDateTimeBin ( TimeZone tz, byte[ ] bytes )  :  LocalDateTime

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  18 

package org.postgresql
[+] interface PGConnection  3 

package org.postgresql.copy
[+] interface CopyIn  1 

package org.postgresql.core
[+] interface BaseConnection  1 
[+] interface ParameterList  1 
[+] interface QueryExecutor  3 
[+] interface ResultHandler  2 

package org.postgresql.hostchooser
[+] class HostStatus  1 

package org.postgresql.jre8.sasl
[+] class ScramAuthenticator  1 

package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
[+] interface ChainedCommonCreateSlotBuilder<T>  3 

package org.postgresql.ssl
[+] class WrappedFactory  1 

package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
[+] class LazyKeyManager  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  1 

package org.postgresql.util
[+] class HostSpec  1 

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Problems with Methods, Medium Severity  3 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, PGStream.class
package org.postgresql.core
[+] PGStream.receiveTupleV3 ( )  :  byte[ ][ ]  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, ResultWrapper.class
package org.postgresql.jdbc
[+] ResultWrapper.getUpdateCount ( )  :  int  1 

postgresql-42.2.3.jar, SetupQueryRunner.class
package org.postgresql.core
[+] SetupQueryRunner.run ( QueryExecutor executor, String queryString, boolean wantResults ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]  1 

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Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  1 

package org.postgresql.ssl.jdbc4
[+] class LibPQFactory  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  24 

package org.postgresql
[+] class PGProperty  7 

package org.postgresql.core
[+] class QueryExecutorBase  1 
[+] class ServerVersion  2 
[+] interface QueryExecutor  2 

package org.postgresql.hostchooser
[+] class HostRequirement  1 

package org.postgresql.replication.fluent
[+] class AbstractCreateSlotBuilder<T>  2 

package org.postgresql.util
[+] class PSQLState  9 

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Java Archives  1 


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